An operating system for your property processes
Automate your everyday tasks such as chasing quotes; scheduling attendance; raising and issuing work orders.
Workflow automation

Are you ready for workflow automation?
If you are interested in finding out how you could improve your company's operating efficiency by incorporating workflow automation, check out our guide.
For more information about getting ready for automation and the different types of automation available, check out our blog or reach out to us today.
Get closer to colleagues, customers & contractors
Cleverly’s built-in communications channel provides an audit of all communication with suppliers and customers. This means you can keep all information within the system. Google and Exchange integration means we can even add emails auto-magically.

Clear and complete communication
Cleverly also integrates with your other communications channels to ensure that all stakeholders are always kept updated.
Change messages easily within your system settings.

The CAFM system you wished existed is now here
The Cleverly system provides you with a complete suite of property maintenance and facilities management tools to improve your, and your suppliers’, efficiency. Built for managers, engineers and operatives alike, Cleverly gives you an entire maintenance ecosystem in your pocket or on your desktop.
Planned. Reactive and Quote Management
Cleverly handles both reactive and preventative (or scheduled) works orders. Create custom PPM schedules and route reactive orders to one or all of your approved suppliers.
Workflow automation
Customize Cleverly to reflect your own processes and procedures. Automate order routing, escalation protocols, notifications and work order generation within your portal.
Asset Management
Asset registers can be easily uploaded. Each asset has a unique identifier which provides attending engineers with location, work history and documentation.
Checklists & Templates
Create standard job templates or work order checklists. Templates can be linked to standard routine maintenance requirements or customized to to your (or your client) needs
Built in communications
Cleverly has a built in chat channel for you to communicate with customers and suppliers. Reminders and notifications are sent either via email, SMS or API integrations.
Occupier & Supplier Portals
The system is suitable for all your stakeholders. Provide temporary tenants with expiring logins and let suppliers upload documentation and download financial information.
Finance & Reconciliation
Cleverly provides a complete finance module allowing you to reconcile incoming payment, set account spending limits and generate invoices for you and your suppliers.
Data & Analytics
Your Cleverly system is built to surface operational insights. This includes cost of equipment downtime; spend versus budget and contractor management. All part of the platform.
Easier reconciliation
Single data source
Approval thresholds

Integrated finance module
Cleverly has an integrated finance module to ensure that all stakeholders can stay on top of account balances, budgets, thresholds and spend patterns. Data can be exported and uploaded into your accounting software and payments processes in moments.

All your invoices in one place
With Cleverly, you can get instant oversight into your finances. Whether you want to keep track of spend by service line or site, your portal gives you all the information in one location. No more chasing suppliers to send invoices or paper files!

Keep spend levels under control.
With Cleverly, you can set thresholds for work orders and quotes to ensure that costs do not go off to clients or suppliers without the correct approvals. In addition, customers can have custom spend limits on jobs and you can impose credit limits on their account. Just a few more ways that Cleverly keeps you in control.
Resource booking

Your workplace. Made flexible
Cleverly allows your space to efficiently adapt to your needs.
See your spaces in real time
The Cleverly system allows you to see space usage as it happens. With a range of check in and sensor options, the availability of any asset - from rooms to recording studios - can be seen instantly.
Connect to your company tools
Get access to utilization information to see which resources are used and to what degree. Use Cleverly sensor integrations for additional insights on the number of attendees.
Workplace analytics
Get access to utilization information to see which resources are used and to what degree. Use Cleverly sensor integrations for additional insights on the number of attendees.
Cleverly allows your space to adapt to your needs.
List items and equipment so colleagues can ensure the space is fit for purpose
No Show Protocols
Set rules to make sure that abandoned meetings are removed from the system
Centralized Schedules
Let users see availability across all bookable assets so they can schedule meetings accordingly
Interactive floorplan
Let your colleagues see the space they are booking, not just the name
On demand booking
Allow bookings to made immediately either via mobile device or using static screens
Make your Cleverly platform even more powerful
Cleverly Connections allows you to benefit from integrations with your other existing (or proposed) software and hardware solutions. Automate even more of your workflow processes by sending information where you need it or using external triggers to execute tasks on the Cleverly system.
Google Calendar
Use shared calendars for resource booking.
Microsoft Exchange
Your corporate calendar solution.
Team calendar and scheduling.
Alerts and notifications where you want them
Disruptive Technologies
The world’s smallest sensor solutions.

Smart building occupancy sensors.
Air quality monitoring solutions.
Occupancy monitoring sensors.
Endless further connectivity options
Data visualizations for informed decision making
Your accounting software solution

Your finance software partner
Data & analytics
Keep compliant. Maintain machinery. Optimise spend.
From spend reduction reports to supply chain management; downtime costs to asset lifecycle management, the Cleverly system provides you with all the information you need to stay on top of operations and spend.
Cleverly is designed to allow you to realise savings and efficiencies using information captured by the system. Not only does Cleverly allow you to see things such as spend history at asset, property or portfolio level it also provides business information and operating data

Manage your own metrics
Cleverly provides more than 50 metrics and data visualisations as standard. You can also create your own to ensure that all your SLAs and KPIs are captured.
Data visualisations, not just numbers
As well as a comprehensive set of metrics, Cleverly also provides you with graphs and visualisations so that you can make sense of the information.
See how you can save
As well as a comprehensive set of metrics, Cleverly also provides you with graphs and visualisations so that you can make sense of the information.
Performance reporting
Cleverly also provides you with supplier performance reports as standard. These can be used to indicate where there may be weaknesses or opportunities in your supply chain.